Yr haul cyfodi wna

(Salm 19 - Rhan II)
Yr haul cyfodi wna,
  Fel cawr i'w yrfa heini;
A'i lewyrch disglaer
    trwy'r holl fyd,
  Rhydd fywyd a goleuni.

Ond gair yr Iôn a'i ddawn,
  Sy'n troi i'r iawn yr enaid;
Tystiolaeth yr efengyl sydd
  Yn fywyd i'r ffyddloniaid.

Mae deddfau'r Iôn yn glau,
  Yn llawenhau y galon;
A'i lân orch'mynion Ef yn wir,
  Rydd oleu i'r golygon.
Cas. o Salmau a Hymnau (R Phillips) 1843

[Mesur: MBC 6787]

  Rhan I - Mae uwch ein pen ffurfafen faith
  Rhan III - Glan ydyw ofn yr Ion
  Rhan IV - Pwy a ddeall ei gamweddau?
  Wele yr wybren uchel yw

(Psalm 19 - Part 2)
The sun rises,
  Like a giant for its lively course;
And its shining radiance
    throughout the whole world,
  Gives life and light.

But the word of the Lord and its talent,
  Is turning the soul to the right;
The evidence of the gospel is
  Life for the faithful ones.

The laws of the Lord are true,
  Rejoicing the heart;
And his holy commandments are correct,
  Giving light to the sight.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
6 From east to west,
      from west to east,
    his restless course he goes;
  And through his progress cheerful light
    and vital warmth bestows. 

7 God's perfect law converts the soul,
    reclaims from false desires;
  With sacred wisdom his sure word
    the ignorant inspires. 

8 The statutes of the Lord are just,
    and bring sincere delight;
  His pure commands, in search of truth,
    assist the feeblest sight.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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